Hello, dear. The name Zhenghu is very good. Tiger is the king of animals in the mountains and the king of the forest. Therefore, you can choose to use this word when naming a baby in the Year of the Tiger. It not only expresses the honorific name of the tiger, but also expresses the noble status of the tiger. Status not only brings good luck, but also has a powerful aura, which means that the child will have a bright future throughout his life.
2. Use words that represent treasures
The tiger is the king of beasts, and has the words 王, jade, moon, forest, king, and king on its body. It can be said that it is the king of animals. The appearance is also the embodiment of the king, and the tiger is the Yin tree, which is consistent with the habits of the tiger, which means that boys in the Year of the Tiger will be helped by noble people. The word "Qi" is a rare treasure, which means beautiful jade. It is suitable to name a child in the Year of the Tiger. It has rich connotations, is auspicious and grand.
3. You can name your baby according to the nickname of tiger
Tiger is the king of beasts, majestic and full of momentum, just like a king. If you want to name your tiger baby, you may wish to choose a meaning. The auspicious and elegant words can not only neutralize some domineering feelings, but also show a noble and beautiful blessing. I believe that the children will be more blessed and peaceful in the future, and will be conducive to their future development.