Choose a good signature name with the character shrimp in it

When choosing a signature name with the character shrimp, you can choose a name based on the main food characteristics of shrimp and the personal characteristics of the store, which can leave a deep impression on people.

For example, it can be called: crispy shrimp, fresh shrimp, beauty shrimp, etc., which are all very good choices.

Things to note when choosing a name

1. In terms of pronunciation, the pronunciation of the character should be loud and pleasant, pay attention to the balance of yin and yang, and have a sense of rhythm

The rhythm and tones of the name are: The following four types: the same finals and rimes, the same tone; the same finals, rimes and different tones; the different finals and rimes, the same tone;

Both the finals and the tones are different. The first type is the worst, the second and third types are average, and the fourth type is the best.

2. In terms of glyphs, the glyphs must be coordinated, varied, and easy to write.

In terms of the combination of a person's surname and first name, the glyphs must be beautiful and easy to write, and pay attention to the appropriate fatness and thinness. , length matching, full of vitality, balance and stability, and provenance.

3. In terms of the meaning of the word, it means profound, auspicious, healthy, and positive.

Paying attention to the meaning of the word is the minimum requirement for choosing a good name. People use wishes, ideals, appearance, experience, and time. Names such as places, places, etc. are all expressed through these Chinese characters. The meanings of names include original meanings and metaphorical meanings. Note the meaning of the first name and last name combined.

4. In terms of conception, it should be fresh but not vulgar, unique and different.

The choice of surnames and first names requires a lot of attention, not just the sound, shape and meaning of the individual words. , pay more attention to the overall combination of surname and first name. For example: Ma Gongcheng, Wu Di, etc., the first and last names are integrated, with a poetic and picturesque feel.

A good way of expression is not straightforward, but deep and implicit, making people feel poetic and picturesque.

, Naming natural scenery

Many phenomena in nature are things we have never seen before, but while in contact with nature, we also like such beautiful nature,


I like the warmth of spring, the enthusiasm of summer, the romance of autumn, and the beauty of winter. I like the sunshine that brings us light, the moonlight brings us artistic conception, and I like the chirping of insects and birds that bring us wonderful music.< /p>

So we should treat nature with a grateful heart. When naming, we can choose according to things in nature such as: sun, moon, stars, chen, morning, flower, and evening.