My father and my mother are on the property certificate. My father passed away. Do I need to go to the real estate bureau to change my mother's name?
Your parents' names are on the property certificate. Your father died, there is no need to go to the real estate bureau to change it to your mother's word. Because your mother and you are both your father's, and I have had several people. Although your father is dead, the heirs are you and yours. So there won't be any problems left over from the real estate license. It doesn't matter whether you change it or not. As a child, it makes sense to leave my house to my mother. It's normal for me to write your father's name and mother's name on it. You can either add your name or not. So this is because you are the only child in the real estate license, and his ownership will definitely be seen, and yours will not produce any ethos and some legal ethos. So this name can be followed or not. If conditions permit, you can change it. There is nothing your father doesn't want some scenery in the morning, because.