A small but magical French name.

Small but amazing French names are as follows:

Girls' names: Pétunia, Glannon, Térébenthine (just like the name of Cécile Duflot's daughter), Ysandre (a name invented by Quebec people in 2004), Maisie, Vienne (to pay tribute to the beautiful town of Ethel), Maxanne, Dianthe, Caméo and Lotus.

Boys' names: Calhoun (this word means "small wood" in Irish), Alcibiade (this name reached the peak of popularity in 1907),? Raksmei, maddox, Gelander, Perix (Perikles, an ancient Greek character of Perix), Zuo? L, Lamar, Keelung, Wolbert.


French is an independent language, belonging to the Romance family of Indo-European languages in Europe. Romance includes central Romance (French, Italian, Sardinian dialect, Catalan, etc.). ), western romance (Spanish, Portuguese, etc. ) and oriental romance (Romania, etc. ).?

French is one of the most widely used independent languages of Roman after Spanish. At present, 87 million people in the world speak English as their mother tongue, and another 285 million people use English (including those who speak English as a second language). French is the official language of many regions or organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union.

French and Canadian French are two branches of French in the world, and there are great differences between them.