30. Come on. Where? What's the general situation there? Gen 2 1 14

30. Come on. Where? What's the general situation there? Gen 2 1: Answer 14: Not Ba-It means wishing well (3 1). It is an ancient town, twenty miles south of Hebron (see question 19), and now it has become a wasteland. There are two deep wells in the territory, and there are stone sinks around the wells. When Hagar and her son were driven away, they got lost in the wilderness of Beersheba (10, 14). While Abraham was living in Gerar, the well was occupied by the servants of King Abimelech. He accused Abimelech, so they made a covenant in this place and named it Barsjo-bah. Abraham planted a weeping willow here as evidence of the Covenant and called on the name of the Lord under the tree (22-33). Later, when Isaac lived in Gerar, he also made a Covenant with Abimelech. On the appointed day, Isaac's servants dug a well to get water, and Isaac named it Sheba, so the name of the city was Beersheba (26: 26-33). When the Israelites divided the land of Canaan, they gave the city to the tribe of Simeon. The name of the city was Shema (book 15: 28, 26), and it was also called Sheba (book 19: 2). Samuel's two sons were judges in this land. 8: 1,2). In the era of Prophet Amos, this city was a famous place of idolatry. 5: 5

8) It was not until Nehemiah, the governor, came back from Babylon that the rest of Judah left the city (Nehemiah 1 1: 27, 30).