What are some other names for horses?

Children: male horses

钒: female horses.

Colt: pony.

Gelding: A horse that has lost its fertility after being castrated.

Piao: a yellow horse.

Liu: a red horse with black mane and black tail.

Horse: a light black and white horse.

Hua: a maroon horse.

Li: Black horse.

騧: A yellow horse with a black mouth.

Qi: A blue-black horse.

Zui: A black horse with white hooves.

Cong: Green and white, similar to a blue horse.

Dragon: a pure white horse.

驽: A horse that cannot run fast, a bad horse.

骁: A strong horse.

Gan: A black horse with white face and forehead.

鍍: red horse.

Horse: A good horse that goes fast.

Ji: Old horse.