The stroke order of the character 鸯

Number of strokes in the character "Yang": 10;

The stroke order of the character "Yang" is vertical, horizontal fold, horizontal, left, 捺, left, horizontal fold hook, dot, vertical fold fold hook, horizontal

Explanation: yang (yāng) is a Chinese character, which refers to a kind of bird, the female of the mandarin duck

Word group: mandarin duck beats mandarin duck with a stick? Happy mandarin duck? Dew mandarin duck?

Create a sentence

This couple is inseparable every day and leads a happy life. They really only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals

In the wedding room, the big red quilt was embroidered with Two lifelike mandarin ducks

In ancient China, couples have always been compared to mandarin ducks, sleeping together and flying together

The woman's parents did not agree with their marriage and insisted on beating the mandarin ducks. The whole face was washed with tears