A word combination of the word "shake"

Swing, cheat, stagger, climb up and down, wind and rain

Shake one's head, shake one's tongue, shake one's lips, shake one's beak

Shake one's head, shake one's tail, beg for food, shake one's head, sigh, shake one's soul, shake one's feather fan

Shake one's head, shake one's eyes, shake one's lips and shake one's tongue, shake one's No wavering, no swaying, no swaying, no swaying, no swaying

Shake the pen, kiss and drum tongue, no wavering

Shake the tree of money, shake your mouth, shake your tongue, shake the wind, raise the clouds, shake the mountains, shake the mountains and shake the mountains

Shake your tongue, shake your soul

Shake your lips and beg, shake your tail, shake your seat, break your sword, shake your ring

Step by step, shake it. Playing gongs and drums

Dazzling soul wobbling, swaying, slacking, and swaying Wan Li

The whole bottle does not shake half a bottle, shaking its head does not count as nodding

If you ask about shaking your head, you don't know what to do, but the center can move,

You can't shake it, and it's uneven.