Help me think of some names for basketball games, such as "Campus Cup" basketball game, etc. Please give me some references. Simple and connotative ones are best.

Is it from the school?

Based on the prize, Coke Cup, based on the smallest unit, dormitory cup, based on post-game commendation, drink, based on the status of the participants, matching cup, single cup, According to the season, the Champions Cup spring, summer, autumn and winter leagues, according to the organizational structure, the Sports Department Cup, the Student Union Cup. According to the object of hatred, the Destroy the Sun Cup, Destroy the United States Cup, Destroy Korea Cup, according to the formality of the competition, the Unity Cup Cuba Trial, according to the number of participants, the Thousand People Cup, according to the division of arts and sciences, the Luminous Cup, and the Sigma Cup.

If there is anything else you want, please continue to ask, I am willing to help you.