1. We can donate these shoes to people in need in some way, such as people in Liangshan. I have seen it on TV before, and the life of students there is very difficult. They don't buy new clothes for a year. Generally, they wear a suit of clothes and shoes for several years. Because children don't have good shoes, it is difficult to walk and exercise. The rugged mountain road has worn out their feet, and shoes without anti-slip function are also very unsafe. It really hurts to look at it! So we shouldn't throw away these shoes. We might as well donate them to the poor to show our love.
We can use it to grow plants. Planting plants with old shoes, as the name implies, is actually using shoes themselves as flowerpots to transplant plants into shoes. As your brain imagines, the method is simple. First, you should punch holes in the soles with an awl. The reason for this is to let excess water flow through the holes when watering, so as to prevent the roots of plants from being soaked for a long time and rotting away. Then, remove the insole and carefully spread a layer of pebbles on the sole; Add fertile and moist nutrient soil to the shoes, and then transplant the prepared plants. Although it doesn't cost much to buy flower pots directly, planting flowers with old shoes is also a practical action to respond to environmental protection and turn waste into treasure. I hope you will like this idea if you love low-carbon life. ?
Finally, have a nice day!