How to repair a broken rubber deer?

During printing, the blanket is over-pressured. If multiple sheets of paper are input or the paper rolls into the roller after being folded, or other debris rolls into the roller, the blanket will be dented, resulting in uneven spots on the printed product. If the imprint is empty or small, it must be repaired. Repair method: remove the trailing part of the rubber cloth; use a ballpoint pen to press the back of the rubber cloth on the back, while looking at the concave position of the rubber cloth from the front. Draw the outline of the depression and make a mark; select a piece of paper suitable for repair (appropriate thickness) according to the degree of the depression, dip it in a small amount of glue and stick it on the depression of the rubber cloth, and then use a carving knife to cut along the outline drawn with the ballpoint pen. Peripheral. Re-tighten the rubber cloth (note that it is best to replace the liner or repair the liner slightly), and then try printing to see the pressure. If the pressure is not enough, repair it. A small depression may be injected with a hypodermic syringe. Add a little turpentine or other appropriate solvent to the rubber cloth to resolve.