Choose a name for the girl. The surname is Zhong. It has three characters. If the last one is the character Xi, please give me the second character!

Zhong Wanyue: respectful and cheerful. Suitable for girls' names. It comes from Song Lian's "Yi Yang Tang Ji" in the Ming Dynasty: "If the etiquette of love and respect is present, and the meaning of respect and gentleness is present, it can be a good nurturing."

The name must first meet the pronunciation, The meaning, shape, and five elements complement each other and are rich in cultural connotations and relatively unique; only then do we pursue the auspicious number of the total number of strokes; I think we should try to strive for more auspicious numbers in the five-frame number, and try to meet the basic requirements and name style mentioned above. It can also make parents more satisfied. In short, what is suitable for your baby is the best.