The computer is named because it uses electricity and has fast operation speed.
a car that burns gasoline.
the earth is because people find that the earth is spherical.
The mouse is named for a reason because it looks like a mouse …
The road is big …
And so on. Just in the name, this naming is more in line with people's daily habits of production and life, and it is also most conducive to communication. It's very convenient to classify, analyze and study ...
Of course, some things have a name that sounds easy to misunderstand. For example, a panda is called a cat, but it's not a cat. Whales are called fish, but they are not fish ... These names can only be understood and classified after a little common sense, but because the scientific classification comes after the perceptual naming, people still use the previous naming ...
As far as the initial naming is concerned, people simply named and classified, for example, people named cats when they saw meowing, and later people named animals like cats xx cats, etc .. But there is no point in discussing why cats are called pigs ...