What is the best way to name a company?

Qi Hao Ming will answer your questions about how to name the company better:

1. The name should be simple and easy to remember

If you have seen it online or offline stores, then you should be able to find that the most popular stores basically have a few simple words. Most popular stores usually have 2 to 4 words. The reason is simple. The fewer words, the easier it is for people to remember, and the easier it is to spread and form a brand effect.

2. Reduce uncommon words

The name you choose must make it easy for consumers to read. There will be no uncommon words or awkward words. When a customer reads your store name, How can he recommend your store to his friends when he can't read it?

3. Refuse to crash

For consumers, if they see a store on the pedestrian street "Good A" clothing store, turn around and find a "good B" clothing store, one of them must be persuaded to leave...

4. Get straight to the point

Let consumers You can tell at a glance what products your store is about, or what food and drinks it mainly sells. Make it clear to consumers. If it meets their needs, they will naturally come to your store to make purchases.