Why is Kaka's full name so long

Brazil's number 10 Kaka Ricardo Izsen dos Santos Wright (Portuguese: Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite) 1982 was born on April 22nd, and the nickname Kaka (Portuguese: Kaka á) is the origin of "Kaka".

Kaka's full name is Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, and "Kaka" is his nickname. According to Portuguese pronunciation, the stress of Kaka is on the second syllable. In Portuguese, "Kaka" is the abbreviation of "Ricardo". When Kaka was young, his brother Rodrigo couldn't spell the pronunciation of Ricardo, so he called his brother Kaka, a nickname that has been used ever since. "I belong to Jesus"

Foreigners' names generally include parents' names, mothers' surnames, their own names and surnames, and they think the longer the name, the nobler it is, so the name is very long!

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