Heroes related to dogs in lol

Nasus, the Desert God of Death: (nicknamed Dog Head) Game Introduction: To some, Nasus is a demigod who walks among the ruins of ancient civilizations; to others, He is nothing more than a mythical figure. Legend has it that he rules over death and time. Thousands of years ago, he stood at the top of Shurima society as a regulator and guardian. He now wanders the arid wastes, trying to figure out how to free his brother Renekton from the grip of his madness.

Rengar the Proud Stalker: (nicknamed Lion Dog) Game Introduction:

In the den of Collection Hunter Rengar, there are displays on every wall The heads, horns, claws, and fangs of the deadliest creatures in Valoran. Despite the vastness of his collection, he remains unsatisfied and tirelessly searches for ever more powerful prey. Each of his hunts takes time, including studying his prey, studying, and preparing for his next encounter with the monster he absolutely cannot defeat.

Rengar never knew who his biological parents were, but he was raised by a human revered as a legendary hunter. He was a consummate student, absorbing his adoptive father's lessons intently and improving them with his weird, feral instincts.

Thunder Roar Volibear: (nicknamed Bear) Game introduction: The ruthless north wall of Freljord is the home of the Ursine tribe, a ferocious and warlike race that has grown up on this frozen soil. After thousands of years of baptism. Their leader is a furious foe who can summon the power of lightning to strike down his enemies and make them fear him: he is Volibear, both a warrior and an enigma, dedicated to preserving the ancient traditions and warrior spirit of his tribe. .

In search of wisdom, Volibear ventured to climb the Ursine's sacred peak, a mountain forever shrouded in a swirl of lightning. Legend has it that the eye of the storm will reveal prophecies, and that the storm will mark the next great leader of the tribe. After Volibear reached the top of the mountain, he was struck by an unusual bolt of lightning.