What are the words next to the name of the bear and the words of the treasure cover that are suitable for naming! thank you

There are quite a lot of hijabs:

Ning, An, Shou, Yu, Hong, Song, Ding, Bao, Shi, Wan, Zong, Zhou, Yi, Xuan

There are very few meters beside them, and they don't feel like it. Let's give you a reference.

Chinese characters with the radical meter:

stroke meter

stroke 2 ∛∛∛∛∛∛∛

stroke 3 ∛∛∛∛∛∛∛∛∛∛∛. 三

stroke 6 三䷈䷉䷋䶾ߊߋ䷾䷾䷾䷾䷾䷾䷾东东东东东𰴼𰴼𰴼199999 丗丗丗丗丗丗丗丗丗𰴷𰴷𰴷𰴷𰴷𰴷𰴷𰴷𰴷𰴷1999999