Origin of the name Mithril

The word Mithril comes from two words in Sindarin (Grey Elf language): mith, which means "grey"; and ril, which means "shining, shining". In Quenya (high elven language), the name of this metal is mistarille. Mithril is also called "True Silver" or "Moria Silver", and the dwarves have a secret name for it that is not known to outsiders.

Mithril was also mentioned in R A Salvador's Drizzt series. Xiao Cui's friend Bruno is the royal descendant of Mithril. In "Icewind Dale", the dwarves took back their hometown.

The silver stream describes mithril, and the weapon of the barbarian Wofuga, the Fang of Aigis, was forged by Bruno using mithril.