Jingle jingle about the periodic table of chemical elements in junior high school. Don’t be afraid of not being able to learn it!

The periodic table of elements is a part that junior high school students must master proficiently to learn chemistry well. Below I have summarized the jingle about the periodic table of elements in junior high school chemistry for your reference only.

Periodic table jingle

First cycle: Hydrogen and helium----Infringement

Second cycle: Lithium, beryllium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and neon-- -- Carp skin holding carbon egg nourishing milk

The third cycle: sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon ---- That beauty in Guilin has green teeth (that beauty ghost reveals green teeth)

The fourth cycle: potassium, calcium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium and manganese----Marry Kangtai counter-revolutionary

Iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium and germanium----Tie Gu pinches the newlyweds


Arsenic, selenium, bromine and krypton---- angry shock

The fifth cycle: rubidium, strontium, yttrium, zirconium and niobium---- Let me tell you this

Molybdenum, technetium and ruthenium- --- Incredible

Rhodium, palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, antimony---- Laoba Yinge Yinxi

Te tellurium, iodine and xenon---- Location fairy

The sixth cycle: cesium, barium, lanthanum, hafnium----(color) color shell (shell) blue (color) river

Tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium----but (see) crow (crow) (Invite) the goose

Iridium, platinum, mercury, thallium and lead----A white towel for it to hold

Bismuth, polonium, astatine and radon----I will not love winter (day)

The Seventh Cycle: Francium, Radium and Actinium ---- Lightning protection! Periodic table memory skills

Create connections

Each element can be related to each other through memory Elements related to small phrases, stories or facts to remember. For example, Argentina was named after the metal silver (Argentum--Ag) because when the Spaniards came here, they thought the country had a lot of silver. Sometimes, you can invent fun ways to remember elements - like "Hey! You! Give me back my gold!" can help you remember the symbol for the element "Au".

Turn to mnemonic strategies

This means you need to link each element together into a paragraph. They are usually very rhythmic. "Lilly's grandma went crazy killing junk creatures" is an example of a memory aid for alkali.

Ignore simple elements. You're probably pretty sure that the symbol for hydrogen is "H."

But you want to focus on the ones you can't remember. For example, is the symbol for the element 鄐 "Ds"? If you want a memory trick for remembering it, try "Damn! Game data for my Nintendo 'DS' number I lost them all because there was a power outage!" Chemical elements must be memorized in junior high school

Hydrogen (qīng) Helium (hài)

Lithium (lǐ) Beryllium (pí) Boron (péng) Carbon ( tàn) nitrogen (dàn) oxygen (yǎng) fluorine (fú) neon (nǎi)

sodium (nà) magnesium (měi) aluminum (lǚ) silicon (guī) phosphorus (lín) sulfur (liú) chlorine (lǜ) Argon (yà)

Potassium (jiǎ) Calcium (gài) Scandium (kàng) Titanium (tài) Vanadium (fán) Chromium (gè) Manganese (měng) Iron (tiě) Cobalt (gǔ) Nickel (niè) Copper (tóng) Zinc (xīn) Gallium (jiā) Germanium (zhě) Arsenic (shēn) Selenium (xī) Bromine (xiù) Krypton (kè)

Rubidium (rú) Strontium (sī ) Yttrium (yǐ) Zirconium (gào) Niobium (ní) Molybdenum (mù) Technetium (dé) Ruthenium (liǎo) Rhodium (lǎo) Palladium (pá) Silver (yín) Cadmium (gé) Indium (yīn) Tin (xī) Antimony (tī) tellurium (dì) iodine (diǎn) xenon (xiān)