Saint Peter
General Description
Saint Peter is the most prominent disciple of Jesus Christ. Jonah (originally named Simon's son Matt 16:17), he was given the Aramaic name Cephas by Jesus or the early church; the name means "rock" and was translated into Greek as Peter.
All that is known about Peter's life before he was named by Jesus is that he was a Galilean fisherman with a brother named Andrew. Peter is mentioned many times in the Acts of the Gospels and the first 15 chapters. He is pictured as the leader and spokesman of the disciples; he identified Jesus as Jesus (Mark 8:27; Matt. 16:16) and was chosen as the rock on which the church would be built (Matt. 16:18). He was Mentioned several times with the brothers James and John, he witnessed the Transfiguration and the agony of Jesus at Gethsemane. After Jesus' arrest Peter denied knowing him three times and later repents his denial (Matthew 26:69-75; John 18:10-27).
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In Bill, Peter was a leader in the church in Jerusalem and participated in missionary activities in Samaria, Galilee, Lydda, Sharon, and Joppa. He favored the admission of Gentiles into the church but served as an intermediate position between James ("brother" of Jesus), who wanted to keep Christianity on very Jewish practices, and Paul, who wished to minimize the demands of Gentile converts.
The New Testament says nothing about Peter's life after his existence at the council with James and Paul in Jerusalem (Acts 15). The latest sources hold that Peter went to Rome, was persecuted (64-68) under Nero, and was buried on the Vatican Hill. Evidence regarding his existence, activities, and death in Rome is slight.
New Testament documents assign Peter various roles. He is seen as the missionary fisherman, the Shepherd, the Sufferer, the Receiver, the Confessor, the Authoritative Protector, the Healer, and the Contrite Sinner in a special revealed true faith. These characters and images help explain the wealth of later stories and legends surrounding Peter and his high status in Christian literature, including his role in the Catholic faith as the founder of the papal line. Two of Peter's epistles place the blame on Peter, although the attribution is doubtful. Many postbiblical books were also produced in his name, notably Acts of Peter. Feast day: June 29 (with Saint Paul).
Anthony J. Saldarini
Brown, R . , wait. , ed. , Peter in the New Testament (1973); Cullmann, Oscar, Peter, Disciple, Evangelist, Sufferer, trans. By F. v. Filson, 2nd Editor. (1962); Murphy, W. F. , In This Rock (1987); O'Connor, D. W. , Peter in Rome (1969); Taylor, W. M. , Peter, Evangelist (1990); Thomas, W. H. , Peter the Evangelist: His Life and Writings (1984); Winter, Michael M. , Saint Peter and the Pope (1960; repr. 1979).
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Saint Peter
Advanced Message
Peter, originally told to Simon (= Simeon, i.e., "hear"), a very ***Same Jewish name in the New Testament. He is the son of Jona (Matt 16:17). His mother is named nowhere in the Scripture.
He had a brother called Andrew, who first brought him to Jesus (John 1:40-42). His local town is Bethsaida, on the western coast of the Galilee Sea, to which Philip also belongs. He was brought up here on the shores of the Galilee Sea, and was trained to the trade of fisherman. His father probably died while he was still a young man, and he and his brothers were brought up under Zebedee and his wife Salome (Matt Concern 27:56; Mark 15:40; 16:1) there Four young adults, Simon, Andrew, James, and John, spend their teenage years and early adulthood in constant peer relationships.
Simon and his brothers undoubtedly enjoyed all the benefits of religious training, and were instructed early in acquaintance with Scriptures and with great prophecies concerning the coming of Jesus. They probably did not enjoy, however, any thematic training in the study of law under any rabbi. When Peter appeared before Sanhedrin, he looked like a "forgotten man" (Acts 4:13). "Simon Galileo, and he was that. ...The Galileans have a distinct character of their own. They At the same time being more candid and more transparent in character than their brethren in the south, in bluntness, impetuosity, headiness, and simplicity, Simon was a true Galileo. A strange dialect. They had a difficulty with guttural sounds and some others, and their pronunciation was altogether harsh in Judea. It betrayed him all through his career as a follower of Christ. stood in the Hall of Judgment (Mark 14:70). It betrayed his own nationality and those who were connected with him on the day of Pentecost (Act 2:7)" would have seemed that Simon was married before he became a preacher before. His wife's mother is mentioned (Matt 8:14; Mark 1:30; Luke 4:38). He was probably accompanied by his wife on his missionary voyages (1 Cor. 9:5; comp. . 1 Pet. 5:13).
He appears to have been settled in Capernaum when Christ entered into his public ministry, and may have been reached beyond the age of thirty. His house was large enough for the home of his brother Andrew, his wife's mother, and also of Christ, who appears to have lived with him (Mark 1:29, 36; 2:1), as well as to his own family. This is obviously two stories high (2:4) in Bethabara (R.v., John 1:28, "Bethany"), beyond Jordan, where Saint John bore testimony about Jesus as the "Lamb" of God (John 1: 29-36). Andrew and John heard it, followed Jesus, and kept with him where he was.
They were convinced by the authorities that he had spoken, by his kind words and with, that he was Jesus (Luke 4:22; Matt. 7:29); and Andrew went and found Simon and brought him to Jesus (John 1:41). Jesus recognized Simon immediately, and declared that he would thereafter tell Cephas, an Aramaic name that corresponds to the Greek Petros, meaning "the rock of the mass separated from the living rock." The Aramaic name no longer occurs, but the name Peter gradually shifted away from the older name Simon, although our Lord always used the name Simon when addressing him (Matt 17:25; Mark 14:37; Luke 22:31, comp. 21 :15-17). We are not told what impression the first interview with Jesus caused in Simon's mind. When we next meet him it is by Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22).
The four (Simon and Andrew, James and John) had an unsuccessful night's fishing. Jesus appears suddenly, and joins Simon in the boat, bidding him launch and get under the net. He did so, and enclosed a great many fish. This was simply a miracle working before Simon's eyes.
The awed disciples pictured themselves at the feet of Jesus, crying, "Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord" (Luke 5:8). Jesus addressed him to him with the word of assurance, " Fear is not," and declared his life's work. Simon immediately responded to the call to become a disciple, and after this we find him in constant attendance at our Lordship. He next called into the ranks of discipleship, and became a "fisher of men" (Matt. 4:19) in the stormy sea of ??life (Matt. 10:2-4; Mark 3:13 19; Luke 6 :13-16), and as every leading event in our Lord's life takes an increasingly prominent part.
This is the faith he spoke in that famous profession at Capernaum (John 6:66-69), and again at Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke Grams 9:18-20). This profession was of supreme importance in Caesarea, and our Lord used these unforgettable words in response: "Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." "From that time" Jesus began to speak of his sufferings . For this Peter rebuked him. But our Lord rebuked Peter on his return to some other disciple than he had ever used, talking to him in the sterner word (Matthew 16:21-23; Mark 8:31-33).
At the end of his brief sojourn at Caesarea our Lord took Peter and James and John apart with him into "a high mountain," and was transfigured before them. Let us make three tabernacles" (Matthew 17:1-9). On his return to Capernaum the temple tax (didrachma, half of the collector of the sacred shekel), which every Israelite of twenty years and upwards must pay (1st 30:15), came to Peter and reminded him that Jesus had not paid for it (Matthew 17:24-27)
Our Lord instructed Peter to catch a fish. Lake and take from its mouth the exact amount required for tax, viz, stater, or two half shekels "that as," said our Lord, "and grant them for me and thee." "As the end draws nigh, our Lord sent Peter and John (Luke 22:7-13) into the city to prepare the place where he should keep a feast with his disciples. He had forewarned the terrible thing before he fell there after Sin (22:31-34). He accompanied our Lord from the guest chamber to the courtyard of Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46), and he and the other two who were witnesses were admitted with our Lord, when No rest was left.
He passed on a strange experience and on a sudden impulse he cut off Malchus (47-51), to take one of Jesus' ear-bands. The Hall of Judgment (54-61) and the Scene of His Bitterness (62). He is found in the company of John in the early morning of the Resurrection and he boldly joins the empty tomb (John 20: "The linen garments were laid alone." "" of 1-10), and saw (Luke 24:9-12). To him, a preacher, our ascended lord revealed himself, thus conferring in his signal honor, and showing how fully he was Restored to his favor (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5) We next read our single interview with the Lord Peter on the shores of the Galilee Sea, where he tripled claims upon him, "Simon, Jonas, lovest thou my son?" (John 21:1-19).
In this scene at the lake we hear nothing about Peter after he reappears with the others in the last generation (Acts 1:15-26 ). This was the day he suggested the vacancy caused by Judas' defection should be filled in at Pentecost (2:14-40).
The events of that day "completed the change in Peter which the long process of painful disciplines of his fall and all previous training had slowly made. He was now not like that other unreliable, changeable, self-confident man, who had once wavered in reckless courage and Faint timidity, but the steadfastness of the companionship of believers, the trusted guide and director, among Christ's powerful missionaries in Jerusalem and abroad
And now that he was indeed becoming Cephas, We hear almost nothing named Simon (only in Acts 10:5, 32; 15:14), and he is last known to us as Peter "after the miracle at the temple gate (Act 3)" persecution arose against the Christians. , and Peter plays jail. He boldly defended himself and his partner in the council (4 of Bars: 19, 20). A new outbreak of violence against the Christians (5:17-21) resulted in the whole body of the preachers being cast into prison; but during the night they were wonderfully freed, and were found teaching in the morning in the temple. The second time Peter defended them before the council (Acts 5: 29-32), "when they told the preachers and beat them, let them go." Time came for Peter to leave Jerusalem.
After laboring for some time in Samaria, he returned to Jerusalem, and reported to the church his work there (Acts 8:14-25). He remained here for the period during which he first met Paul from his conversion (9:26-30; Gal. 1:18). Leaving Jerusalem again, he went on the missionary journeys of Lydda and Joppa (Acts 9: 32-43). He was admitted by Caesarea Cornelius and secondly asked to open the doors of the Christian church to Gentiles (ch. 10) After the remnant had been for some time in Caesarea, he returned to Jerusalem (Act 11: After the remnant had been for some time in Caesarea, he returned Arriving at Jerusalem (Acts 11:1-18), he defended his conduct about the place of Gentiles
Next we hear of his being cast into prison by Herod Agrippa (12:1-19); But at night the Lord's angel opened the prison doors, and he went and found refuge in the house of Mary. He took part in the council's seminar in Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-31; Gal. 2:1-10) About Gentiles. Connection to the Church. This subject aroused new interest in Antioch, and for its settlement is mentioned the meeting of the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. We have no further mention of Peter in the apostles. Act. He appears to have come down to Antioch after the council in Jerusalem, and there on the charge of guilt he was severely rebuked by Paul (Gal. 2:11-16), "rebuked him in his countenance."
In this he appears to have carried the Gospels to the east, and labored for a while in Babylon, in Euphrates (1 Pet. 5:13). There is no satisfactory evidence that he was ever there or that he was in Rome. It must have been unknown. He probably died between A 64 and 67.
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And, see:
p>The Epistles of Peter
The Preacher
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This presentation in the original English language
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