What is the death of the sentry?

Sentinel mourning-the hero in Gary Odlol.

Sentinel's wound skills include rune stone skin, firm strike, and powerful barrier, only the stone statues of Feng Gang and Du Lang. Rune stone skin is a passive skill. The effect of rune stone skin is to gain spell strength equivalent to 50% of its own spell resistance.

The effect of a firm blow is to send a shock wave from the eyes, causing damage to the enemy near the hit point and slowing down.

The function of a powerful barrier is to put a shield on a friendly hero, improve the hero's armor and spell resistance, and restore Garriott's life when the hero is injured.

The role of Justice Feng Gang is to flap our wings, release strong winds, do harm to the enemy, and leave an airflow to increase the moving speed of friendly forces. The effect of Du Lang Stone Statue is to become a stone statue, mocking nearby enemies when attacked by the enemy, and accumulating shock energy. Then Garriott broke out from his statue body, releasing accumulated energy to harm the enemies around him.