Why does durian smell so bad?

The reason why durian smells bad is due to volatile sulfur compounds, which are often described as rancid, onion, rotten egg, sulfur, etc. Researchers identified a group of genes related to volatile sulfur compounds that are highly active when durian is ripe, giving the fruit its strong smell.

Nutritional value of durian:

Contains a lot of sugar and high calories. Among them, the protein content is 2.7%, the fat content is 4.1%, the carbohydrate is 9.7%, the water content is 82.5%, and the vitamin content is rich, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C are all high.

Contains essential mineral elements for the human body, among which the contents of potassium and calcium are particularly high.

It contains a complete range of amino acids and is rich in content. In addition to tryptophan, it also contains 7 essential amino acids for the human body, among which glutamic acid content is particularly high.

Durian is a giant tropical evergreen tree with oblong leaves, pointed tips, and cymes. The flowers are light yellow in color. The fruit is the size of a football. The skin is solid and densely covered with triangular thorns. The pulp is composed of arils. Composed of meat buns, the flesh is light yellow in color, sticky and juicy. It is a fruit of great economic value.