Devils and Dragons game name with symbols

龙四兲家♂, ♀乄龙四兲家♀, ㊣乄龙四兲家㊣, ┽→乄龙四兲家,

……乄龙四兲家**,▃▂乄 Long Yanyanjiao_﹏ゥetc.

Special symbols:

罒gang, 水shu, 灬, huo, 博du, 亻dan, 繹bao, 亠wen, 冫liang,

冖tu,蠠yan,婩dan,youyou,扌ti,囗wei,彡san,犭fan,夂dong, etc.

Extended information:

Dialogue naming standards

The names of characters in the Denon game can use up to 16 characters or 8 Chinese characters.

In Tian Long Ba Bu, the summoner's name will be the name of other players. The length of the nickname must be between 3 and 16 characters, and between 3 and 8 Chinese characters. Among them, Chinese characters count as 2 characters, and letters and numbers count as 1 character. Letters, numbers, and Chinese characters are allowed, but insulting words are not allowed.

A recognizable and appropriate nickname is an important guarantee for communicating with other summoners in Summoner's Rift. When naming, use Chinese, English and numbers, and do not use special characters.