What are the words drawn in Water 16?

The 16 strokes of the five-element water characters are (simplified on the left, traditional on the right):

哉水水clean, clean, peng, 姧姧frequently, bulge, 阌鬈鈶 Tired and exhausted 锛湁霅鞞霸霌霌鲋霖雳觱 divently scald and scald the 箮梦 mercy 锄沄朎锴锔 moisten conceal the curse and curse the Sahan 鞞鮟游霏揰嬖氰 mites and mites flutter Angry and angry, shy and shy, learning and learning, Wei Wei and Tong Pan, planning and fussing, Fen Kuma, Fen Fen, Xing Xing, Xun Xun, broadcasting, not to mention floods and floods.