The ten most cold-resistant turtles

The ten most cold-resistant turtles are: snapping turtle, Japanese stone turtle, painted turtle, grass turtle, dead leaf turtle, yellow-headed side-necked turtle, map turtle, money turtle, flame turtle, and egg turtle .

Snapping turtle

Put the snapping turtle directly into the water to spend the winter. Snapping turtles are native to the Americas and can be said to be very cold-tolerant.

Japanese stone turtles

Distributed in Hiroshima, Japanese stone turtles are good swimmers and live in ponds, rivers, swamps and other waters. They live mostly in the water every day, and sometimes climb ashore. Basking in the sun; in the hot summer, most of them are active in the morning and evening, and dive into deep water to rest at noon; Japanese stone turtles are also very cold-tolerant.

Painted Turtles

Painted turtles like to live in swamps, streams and lakes, where the flow is slow, the bottom is covered with soft mud, and there are suitable basking sites and abundant aquatic plants. Painted turtles are diurnal and sleep at night on the bottom of a pond or on objects partially submerged in water.

They become active as the sun rises, basking on their backs for a few more hours before foraging for food in the late morning. By evening they may be feeding again. It also belongs to the American turtle species and is very cold-tolerant.


As the most widely distributed turtle species in my country, the tortoise is naturally cold-tolerant. Every time winter passes, you will see the frozen turtles reappear. When he came out, he was still alive and well.

Yellow-headed side-necked turtle

The yellow-headed side-necked turtle is a kind of pet turtle that lives in the water. It is also called a cute turtle and likes to eat some vegetarian food and is fed some vegetables every day. It's ok and easier to make a living.

Map tortoise

The Mississippi map tortoise is a lively turtle that grows slowly. Among the top ten turtles worth raising, this turtle should pay attention to the water quality and can be fed some animal feed.

Money Turtle

The Money Turtle is a gregarious turtle that hibernates in winter. Wild money turtles are very rare and are relatively popular in the international market. This turtle is highly disease-resistant and has a strong tolerance to hunger.

Flame Turtle

The flame turtle has black skin, red and yellow stripes on its limbs and tail, and yellow stripes on its head. It is suitable to be kept in a glass box and has high ornamental value. A few families in China also raise this kind of small turtle.

Egg Turtle

The egg turtle has a unique carapace that is oval in shape and relatively smooth. This turtle looks like an egg when viewed from above. So the owners who raised this kind of turtle named it Egg Turtle.

The dead leaf turtle

The dead leaf turtle's shell resembles a dead leaf, so it is called the dead leaf turtle, and its body has a hard carapace. If attacked, the head will retract into the shell. Turtles generally live in shallow water and can breathe with their noses above the water. They are very adaptable turtles.