The first common reason is the registrant. Usually, one person can only register a limited company with one person. If we have registered a limited company and want to register a new company, we need new shareholders. Moreover, a natural person can only register one individual industrial and commercial household, but he can also own a one-person limited liability company and individual industrial and commercial households.
The second reason is about the name of the enterprise. For an enterprise, the name is very important when registering a company, because although the name is declared independently, an enterprise is only allowed to use one name. If the registered name is similar to or the same as that of a peer enterprise, such enterprise name will not be approved, and a new name needs to be applied for after being rejected.
The third is about the registered address. The general registered address does not exist or exists on the negative list, and the site certificate is required. A registered company can only fill in one address, and generally it will not be verified on the spot, so many registrants will make up or fill in an address at will, but now a unified address library has been established, so if there is a virtual address, it will also be found out. Moreover, some pyramid schemes, frauds or other illegal matters involved by the company before these addresses have been included in the negative list. If you submit a similar address, it will definitely not pass and will be rejected frequently.
Please click: Wuhan company registration, Changsha company registration and Nanjing company registration to inquire about the business in various regions.
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