How to make up the double swords in the hero of the sword called "no shadow"

Feng+Falcon+Jing+Huang, I've never played double knives. My friend said that he hasn't played for a long time either. Who knows if he's right? Go and see for yourself.

I know how to use Xian's shadowless ice hockey. Hehe, actually, it's very boring to play like this. My low hand doesn't understand it at all, and the master doesn't care at all.

I know the swordsman when it comes to breaking defense.

However, the swordsman can add expression to make the action of breaking gold. At this time, even if you hit him, it will not be stiff. Anyway, it is all false. This time, breaking gold is fake, and it will be true next time.

so to speak, my pk is actually a special dish, hehe.

For your reference, I have played with human knives and immortals, and I think the two professions written by the author are still good, but I really can't understand that I have learned a lot about human knives and broken clouds. My broken clouds have been deleted long ago, and there are no 1.