Breezeup means: (the wind) becomes stronger; the wind begins to blow.
Breezeup means: (the wind) becomes stronger; the wind starts to blow. The network explanation of breezeup is (wind) getting stronger: breaktieswith severing the relationship with...|breezeup (wind) getting stronger|brightspot light spots. An example of breezeup is Thistamedbeastwillbename-ableandwilllevelupwithyouandgrowstrongerandlarger. Tamed beasts can be named and will level up with you, becoming stronger and bigger.
1. Internet explanation click here to view the details of breezeup
1. (wind) becomes stronger: breaktieswith severing the relationship with...|breezeup (wind) becomes stronger|brightspot Spot of light
2. The wind begins to blow: breeding, proliferation and reproduction of nuclear fission|breezeup The wind begins to blow|breeze
3. Nervousness Be afraid of panic when you get up: breezeoven||Breezeup||Be nervous and be afraid of panic|breeze-block||Bricks for light construction
4. Become stronger: breaktieswith cut off from... Relationship|breezeup becomes stronger|brightspot light spot
2. Examples
Thistamedbeast will bename-ableandwilllevelupwithyouandgrowstrongerandlarger.
Tamed beasts can be named, and they will upgrade and become stronger with you. get bigger.
But the coolness factor of them being able to tame various animals in the game world, name their pets, and even level the mu pin power, is what gives them that extra Blizzard touch.
The coolest thing about them is that they can tame many animals in the game, give names to pets, and make pets stronger. These are all Full of Blizzard style.
3. Vocabulary collocations
putthebreezeup makes you nervous, makes you panic...getthebreezeup scares (worry about being frightened)...kickupabreeze causes a storm...havethebreezeup makes you nervous, breezeup Related adjacent words
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