Perfume with milk fragrance and long fragrance retention time

I have answered the question about milky perfume before.

the following models are recommended:

moschino Cheap &; Chic is floral in front and creamy in the back.

Burberry baby touch has some fresh bark in the front and a faint milky fragrance in the back.

Lolita in the heart of the sea is rich in creamy fragrance, like white rabbit toffee.

Anna Su's sweet dream is vanilla ice cream.

The yellow bear in Givenchy's Baby Bear series also has the milk fragrance you are looking for.

Bulgari sweet baby, sweet and pink with the smell of prickly heat powder.

in baby series, the fragrance usually doesn't last too long. You can consider Lolita in the heart of the sea, which has a strong flavor, followed by Burberry baby touch. Since you can accept Blue Baby, I think Burberry's light milk fragrance is better than in the heart of the sea's.