In the work unit, there are all idle people. When things go well, the parents of the east and the west are short. Who eats what, wears what, and there are no clothes left. They judge each other. What else do the aunts do?
There was an eldest sister who looked like high-end clothes when she wore them. People who love beauty liked them. During the meeting, Sister Mei said hello and asked the beautiful sister to sit next to her. She said that the clothes were nice and she would Dressed up and elegant, I sat in front and turned around to echo a few words. Sister Mei said that women must love themselves. You can tell how much you love yourself by looking at me. Then she said to me, wearing a sweater worth tens of dollars, you It’s because I don’t love myself
I feel hurt, I’m just like that. If you wear pants, I know she doesn’t look good, so I asked her where to buy the pants. It is said to be very cheap, only a few dozen yuan in a small store,
I am also reluctant to buy anything. The main reason for my money is that I earn less, my children go to school, and I pay off the mortgage. Save, I didn’t expect to be laughed at all the time. Do I love you for what I wear?
It seems that some of the older ladies here like to buy. Sister Lan from my office , they were all cashmere coats and woolen sweaters. One day she told me that Sister Mei didn’t have any good things, they were all cheap ones. I felt very shabby, not even a cashmere sweater
I didn’t go to work today and went out for a walk. I didn’t have anyone to accompany me. I went to a clothing store. There was a customer inside who was also looking at the clothes. I saw that there was also a manicure in the store. The customer said, I You see how beautiful it is just now. Women have to do manicures. You asked me to do my hair and come back to see if it looks good. The boss said it was 50 yuan. Wow, 50 yuan is too expensive. I said 30 yuan. The boss didn’t. Agreed, not willing to spend money, so I left
Then I went to a clothing store. There were woolen sweaters in it. The processing price was 200 yuan. I don’t know if they are expensive. Is it authentic? I tried on several pieces, but I didn’t know which one I wanted. While I was trying on the clothes, a beautiful woman came by. She fell in love with a woolen sweater and bought it. I don’t know whether I didn’t like it or was reluctant to spend the money. p>
I bought it, but after trying it for a long time, my boss was not happy. I told my husband to transfer 200, and my husband gave me 500 and bought a sweater and went home. In fact, I still wanted to I was reluctant to buy a small down jacket,
When I came back, I told my husband that he was very sad and said it was all his failure, which made me reluctant to spend the money. He also told me, If you have money at home, you can buy whatever you want.
Just because of someone else’s words, I spend money to buy, buy, buy. I really can’t bear to do it, and I don’t know whether I should buy it or not. , alas,