What are the nominalized adjectives?

Visual understanding: Adjectives are mainly used to modify, enrich, and limit the content of nouns. Let's take a look at this article "What are the adjectives that are nominalized".

1. Nominalized adjectives

There are a few adjectives in English that can be preceded by the definite article and turned into nouns, which have the same function as nouns in the sentence. Adjectives are used with the definite article the to express a type of person or thing. Common ones are:





theweak The weak






theugly ugly

theevil evil

theinjured wounded

thedisabled disabled

thedead dead

thesick patient

theretired retired person

thelost lost

thehealthy healthy person

theliving living person

thedeaf the deaf

theblind the blind

theunemployed the unemployed

and some other adjectives describing a person's character or status. This expression has a plural meaning, so the verb is also plural:

Thepoorgetpoorer; therichgetricher.

The poor get poorer; the rich get richer.

The + adjective occasionally has a singular meaning:

theaccused(person) the defendant

theunexpected(thing) unexpected thing

the+ means The adjectives of nationality are used in the same way:


The French are very particular about their food.

Some adjectives indicating color are added with s to make plural nouns and also represent a type of people:

theblacks blacks

thewhites whites

2. Syntactic functions

1. As subject

The wounded were sent home.

The wounded were sent home. (Referring to a class of people, the verb is plural.)


The defendant was acquitted. (The subject is a singular concept, and the verb is singular.)


Truthfulness must be distinguished from the false. (Referring to abstract concepts, the verb is singular.)

2. As object

We should take good care of the old.

We should take good care of the old.

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