Looking for a simple and generous English name for a boy with a meaningful meaning.


Adam*Eve (Adam-Eve)

Adolph*Adolpha (the great wild wolf)

Alan Alan*Alana (the happy peacemaker-the shining fairer)

Alexander Alexander*Alexandra (also means superman)

Ashley Arseny *Ashley Arseny (people who live in the Ashland love nature)

Azarias *Azaria Azaria (blessed by God) and help)


Baslilon*Basilia (King-Queen)

Beverley*Beverley (starfish) So noble and noble)

Bing Bing*Binga Bingjia (Iron can make a hollow voice, a talkative person)

Blake Bi*Blake Bi (having a righteous temperament)

Brand*Brandy (God’s grandson is as pure as wine)

Brian*Bryna (noble character)


Clare Kiya*Clara Gala (the bright one)

Carol Garu*Carol Garu (the powerful one, never give up)

Castor* Casta (brave and hard-working)

Cecil*Cecilla (the invisible saint of music)

Chritian*Christine (letter) of the Lord)

Clive Cleva (the cliff dweller)


Dale Dale (the simple man who lives in the village)

Danielle Danielle (God is the judge)

Darcy Darcie (from the forest)

Darius Weiss*Daria (the rich man)

Donald is a slave*Donalda is the ruler of the world

Dominic is a multi-literary calendar*Dominica is a multi-literary calendar card (Belonging to the Lord)


Earl Earlene*Earlene (the head of the nobility)

Edmund Aman*Edmonda Amanda (the rich protector

Edric Aji*Edrea Ajira (powerful lucky controller)

Edward Edward*Edwardina Adelina (rich guardian)

Egbert Aiba*Egberta Aibaala (bright sword)

Eldred Aiji*Eldrida Aisiya (people who live under old trees represent wisdom)


Fabian*Fabia (wealthy farmer)

Fay*Fay (fairy-like appearance)

Feodor *Feodora (gift from the Lord)

Felix Felicia (lucky happy man)

Francis Frances Frances ( Coming from France, representing freedom)

Frederick*Frederica (peaceful ruler)


Gabriel*Gabrielle* Belia (sent from the Lord)

Gale*Gale (actually alive)

George*Georgina (farmer, British saint)


Gilbert*Gilberta (bright token)

Guido*Guida (guide)

Gustave Taifa*Gustava (a student of Goethe)


Harold Harald*Haralda Havila (the leader of the army)

Henry Henry*Henriettal Henrietta (head of the family)

Hubert*Huberta*Huberta (wisdom)

Holden*Holda (beautiful decoration)


Horace*Horatia (God of Time)

Hugh*Huette (dazzling)


Ian Jieren*Ian Yiren (brightly colored flowers)

Ignatius Jeddes*Ignatia Jedna (hot as fire)

Isaac Jesus Isa ( Strong faith)

Ivar*Iva (purple fir)


Jackie*Jackie (strategist)

Jeremiah*Jeremiah (the noble one)

John*Jane (the friendly gift of the Lord)

Joseph*Josephine Serphine (deserves a plus)

Jove Jove*Jovita (the one who brings joy)

Justin* Jocelyn (fair and just)


Kalil*Kali (good friend)

Kyne*Kyna (honorable)

Keeley * Keely (handsome, beautiful)

Kevin * Kelvina (gentle, friendly and lovely)


Leopold Aubin*LeopoldinaLeopoldina (Victor)


Leigh Leo*Leigh Rao (from the grassland)

Leon Leo*Leonario (like a lion)

Leonard*Leonarda*Leonarda (like a lion)

Leslie*Lesley Nasri (supervisor of the fortress)


Martin Martina Martina (militant)

Michael Michaela Michaela Close to the Lord)

Matthew McPhee*Mattea Ma Chun (Twelve Apostles)

Moses Moses*Moselle Wuxi (Rescued from the Water)

Maximilian Ma Xin Ma Lian Nu*Maxine Ma Xin (the greatest and most outstanding)

Mayer Mingye*May Mei (the great)


Neil Lee *Neala Litan (winner)

Nicholas Michael *Nicole Nigao (final victory)

Noel Luo *Natalie Litanli (born on Christmas Day)


Norbert Luo Ba*Norberta Luo Bula (True Hero)

Nathan Nathan*Nathania Netanya (Gift from God)

Norville Luvini*Nordica Luo Tiga (from the south)


Octavius ??Odifasi*Octavia Odika (eighth child)

Olaf Olaf*

Olave Olave (the legacy of our ancestors)

Odell Audi*Odelia Odelia (the rich)

Oliver Olave*Olive (the olive tree, the peaceful one) Incarnation)


Paul Paula Paula (tiny)

Phoebus Phoebe Phoebe (shining and heating like the sun)

Philip*Philippa (the horse lover)

Plato*Platona (the wise saint)

Papick*Papicia Petica (born among nobles)

Peter Peter*Petica (noble)


Quentin*Quinta (The fifth child)


Raymond Weiwen*Ramona Lomona (the wise protector)

Richard Richarda*Ricarda (Powerful person)

Robert Luo Ba*Roberta Luo Ba La (Lie Yan)

Roderick Lu Lali Ke*Roderice Lu Lali Ka (famous ruler)

Roland Lulen*Rolanda Lulanla (from a famous and reputable place)

Ronald Langlu*Rolanda (powerful person)


Samuel *Samuela (its name is the Lord)

Simon*Simone Salome (the name of God)

Stephen Stephen Finn*Stephanie Stephen La (Lauren)

Sabin*Sabina*Sabina (from the land of sabine)

Sandy*Sandy (superhuman) Strong)

Septimus*Septima*Septima (seventh child)


Terence*Terentia ( Winner)

Thomas Thomas*Thomasina Thomas La (twin)

Timon*Timothea (the honest one)

Tieophilus*Theophila (falling in love with the Lord's love)


Udell*Udella (from Shanmu Village)

Ulmer dog horse*Ulva dog flower (the famous fierce cat)

Ulric dog power*Ulrica dog force plus (all legends?

Victor Vita*Victoria Victoria ( Victor)

Vivien Philippian*Vivian Philia (living)


Wilfred Weifu*Wilfreda Weifuta (Peacemaker) )

Wallace Lawrence *Wallis Loras (stranger from outside)

Whithey Vidi *Whitney Winnie (coming from the white land, representing purity)

Winfred Philip* Winifred (Friend of Peace)


Xanthus*Xanthe (Blonde Handsome Man and Beauty)

Xylon*Xylia (from the forest)

Xavier*Xaverie (beautiful)


Zeus*Zenobia (God of the gods-Zeus gives life)

Zebediah*Zebada (also a gift from God)