But why did the author set that day as Friday, or maybe Tuesday or something?
I know one thing:
One of the most famous superstitions in Britain is that Friday is an unlucky day, especially for sailors. This statement almost certainly comes from the fact that Jesus is said to have died on Friday. The British naval command once decided to prove that this statement was nonsense. They built a ship, which started on Friday and was finished on Friday, and named it "Friday". Even the captain they found for the ship was named "Friday", and the maiden voyage of the ship was held on Friday. The ship disappeared and people never saw it again! The British navy has always denied the truth of the story, but their denial is not important. Generations of English sailors believed every word of the story.
The author of the novel is an Englishman, and Robinson drifts to a desert island because of an accident at sea. Is there any connection between this (originality)?