How to pronounce Fu, the word combination of Fu, the pronunciation of Fu, the stroke order of Fu, and the meaning of Fu

Fu's pronunciation: fù

Fu's word combinations: Fufu, Fuyu, Nongfu, Fenfu, Fufen, Yufu, Yifu, Fulie

Fu's stroke order:

Fu means: fragrant; aroma.

Extended information

1. Etymological evolution:

2. Explanation of words:

3. Related word groups:


1. Fù liè [fù liè]?

Strong aroma.

2. Remaining fragrance [shèng fù]?

The remaining fragrance; the remaining fragrance.

3. Hua Fu [huá fù]?

A kind of meaning that is not easy to agree with.

4. 香香[xiāng fù]?

The fragrance is fragrant and fragrant.

5. Yufu [yù fù]?

Strong aroma.