Kittens generally need to follow the principle of eating less and more frequently, and are fed 3-4 meals a day, while adult cats usually need 1-2 meals.
The feeding amount of a cat mainly depends on the cat’s age, weight, etc. Generally speaking, kittens older than 3 months old and less than 3 kg should be fed 30-50 grams of cat food every day. Adult cats weighing more than 3 kg should be fed 70-100 grams per day.
For cats with poor digestive function, it is best to eat less and stay 70% to 80% full to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort such as diarrhea or vomiting.
In addition to cat food, cats can also eat fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, etc. to ensure balanced nutrition. At this time, the cat food will be reduced.
I hope the answer can help you. If you have other questions and want to consult a pet doctor, click on the avatar below for a free one-on-one consultation.