Please tell me the meaning of the German name!

As far as I know, this name has no special meaning. It is just derived from Michael. But a female politician from the German Green Party also has this name - Michaele Schreyer. The transliteration should be "Misha Yela"...or the more artistic "Misha Yela" and "Misha Yela"...or the sweeter "Mixia Yela" looks a bit weird...haha , it’s all ok anyway.

Personally I like the name Charlotte very much, "Charlotte" or "Charlotte", which is a romanticization of the Old German "Karal" (symbolizing freedom, excellence and love) and the French suffix " otte", and its derived names also have many: Lotte, Lotti, Lotta, Charlott, Charlot, Charlette, Charlotta, Carlotta (this is Italian), Karlotta, Carlota, Charly, Charls, L?ttchen, Lottchen, Schlotti, Schlotte... In short, this name is very nice regardless of Chinese or German... There are many women with this name in history and classics, and it sounds very noble (personal feeling, haha), just like Charlotte Aglaé de Bourbon-Orléans, a princess of France, Charlotte Amalie von Hessen-Kassel, Queen of Denmark and Norway, Charlotte Johanna, Princess of Spain and Queen of Portugal....