Li's polyphonic character




Department head? Xi 'anwo

Pens and paintings? seven

Five elements? fire

Complex body? profit

Five strokes? TJH

new word

Basic interpretation? Detailed explanation

1. Sharp; Sharp (as opposed to blunt): ~ blade. ~ claws.

2. fluency; Convenient: no ~. Success or failure ~ dull.

3. advantages (relative to "disadvantages"): ~ disadvantages. Yes ~. Promote ~ eliminate pests.

4. Profit or benefit: violence. Thin to multi-pin. This is even.

5. Make it beneficial: ~ country ~ people. There is no ~ self, special ~ person.

6. Last name.

Related words


[Li Yang]?

1. Let things or people work: waste ~. ~ favorable conditions for local development of animal husbandry.


【biàn lì】?

1. Use or action is not difficult; Easy to achieve: flow ~. There is a shopping mall nearby, so it is convenient to buy things.


【lì xī】?

Also known as Zi Jin. The remuneration paid by the borrower to the lender according to the amount, term and interest rate of the loan principal.


[fú lì]?

1. Interests in life, especially concern for employees' life (food, housing, medical care, etc. ): ~ cost. ~ career. Work for the people.

water conservancy

【shuǐ lì】?

1. refers to the cause that surface water and groundwater such as rivers and lakes are directly used for flood control, irrigation, power generation, water supply, shipping and aquaculture through controlled development.



1. Agility: Use both hands and feet. He works very hard.


[Hong Li]?

In a joint-stock enterprise, the profits obtained by shareholders in excess of dividends or the extra remuneration distributed by the enterprise to employees. There is no fixed proportion of the bonus, which depends on the profit.


[yíng lì]?

Take advantage of it.