Male name (Мужские имена):
Александр/ Alexander (Greek)/defender;
Алексей/ A Alexei (Greek)/defending;
Анатолий/ Anatole (Greek)/sunrise;
Андрей/ Andrei (Greek)/brave;
Антон/Anton (Greek)/enters into battle;
Борис/ Boris (Russia, Bulgaria)/fights for honor;
Валентин/ Valentin (Pull) / healthy;
Валерий/ Valery (Pull) / strong;
Василий/ Vasily (Greek) / ruling;
Виктор/ Victor (L)/ winner;
Владимир/ Vladimir (S)/ owns the world;
Геннадий;/ Gennady (Greek)/ Noble;
Евгений/ Yevgeny (Greek)/ noble;
Егор/ Yegor (Greek)/ farmer;
Ефим / Yefim (Greek) / kind-hearted;
Иван / Ivan (ancient Jewish) / cherished by God;
Игорь/ Igor (Russia) / protected by the god of wealth ;
Илья /Ilya (ancient Judea)/My God Jehovah;
Лев /Lev (Greek)/Lion;
Леонид/ Leon Ned (Greek)/Lion;
Максим/Maxim (Pulla)/The biggest;
Матвей/Matvi (Ancient Jude)/Gift of God Jehovah; < /p>
Михаил/ Mikhail (Ancient Judah)/ Like God;
Никита/ Nikita (Greek)/ Victory;
Николай/ Niku La (Greek) / people's victory;
Олег/ Oleg (Scandinavia) / sacred;
Пётр/ Peter (Greek) / stone;
Семён /Semyon (ancient Jewish)/ God who can hear;
Сергей /Sergei (Ra)/ A prominent Roman family;
Степан /Sri Tepan (Greek)/garland;
Юрий/ Yuri (Greek)/peasant;
Яковь/ Yakov (Guyu)/heel (born by grabbing the heel of his twin brother) ).
Female names (Женские имена):
Аврора/Aphrola (La)/name of the goddess Si Chen;
Агата/Agata (Greek) / Good, kind;
Аделина/ Agelina (Old Germanic)/ Noble;
Алла/ Ala (Greek)/ The second; < /p>
Анна/ Anna ( ancient Jewish) / Kindness;
Анфиса/ Anfisa (Greek) / Flowering;
Анфия/ Anfiya (Greek) / Flowers;
Белла/ Bella (拉)/ beautiful;
Валентина/ Valentina (拉)/ healthy;
Валерия/ Valeria (Pull)/Strong;
Вера/ Vera (Xi)/Faith;
Вика/ Vika (Pull)/ Winner;
Виктория /Victoria (La) / victorious;
Галина/ Galina (Xi) / quiet;
Дарья/ Dalia (Xi) / owned Kindness;
Диана/ Diana (Ra)/ Name of the goddess of the moon and hunting;
Евгения/Evgenia (He)/ Noble;
Екатерина / Ekaterina (Xi, La) / purity;
Елена/ Yelena (Xi) / solar;
Зоя/ Zoya (Xi) / life;
Ирина / Irina (西) / peace, tranquility;
Искра/ Iskra (Russia, New) / Mars;
Катерина /卡 Telina (Xi, La) / purity;
Клара/ Clara (La) / purity;
Ксения/ Ksenia (Xi) / hospitality;
Лариса/ Larisa (Greek)/Greek city, worshiping Zeus;
Лилия/ Lilia (Russia, New)/ lily;
Лина/ Li Na (Xi)/ from Olympus;
Любовь/ Lyubov (Xi)/ love;
Людмила/ Lyudmila (S)/people like it ;
Марина/ Marina (La)/ Oceanic;
Мария/ Maria (Guyu)/ Favorite;
Надежда/ Nadezh Da (Xi)/ hope;
Настасья/ Nastasiya (Xi)/ resurrection;
Наталья/ Nataliya (La)/ birth;
Ольга/ Olga (Scandinavia)/ sacred;
Павла/ Bavla (La)/ small;
Раиса/ Rai Sha (Greek) / frivolous, carefree;
Светлана/ Svetlana (Russia) / bright;
Свобода/ Svoboda (Greek) ) / freedom;
Сусанна/ Susanna (ancient Jewish) / water lily;
Тамара/ Damara (ancient Jewish) / date palm;
Татьяна/ Tatiana (Greek) / formulation;
Фея/ Feiya (Greek) / goddess;
Фрида/ Felida (Germany) / peace.
Hiyoshi Ai Iijima Ai Kurosawa Ai Mizuno Ai Manakawa Ai Miura Aika Nakamori Aiko Ogawa Aiko Ogawa Aiko Kitano Akane Sakurai Akane Soma Akane Tamura Akane Nakamura Akiko Kubo Ako Tsuzuki Ako Kanzuki Arisa Ayukawa Ami Himeki Anna Kozuki Anna Sawada Anna Hoshino Anri Honda Arisa Uchida Asa