After reading:
Today, I read Water Margin for the second time: Wang went to Yan 'an mansion privately. Wang called. Because Wang Jin is ill and resting at home, he has no wife and children, only an old mother. Who knows, the newly appointed Qiu turned out to be a prodigal son-Gao Qiu. Gao Qiu was knocked down by his father with a stick in a tournament, so he held a grudge and Gao Qiu forced to see him regardless of his illness. Helpless, Wang Jin had to come to see Gao Qiu and was scolded by Gao Qiu. He had expected that Gao Qiu would kill him. Wang Jin's old mother let her son escape alone, but Wang Jin refused and insisted that her mother go with her. On a dark night for a month, the mother and son fled overnight. Soon, when people in Gao Qiu found out, Gao Qiu immediately put down his papers, went to various state offices, and arrested Wang Jin, a deserter.
I feel very sorry that in ancient times, villains were in power, Wang Jin was a man with lofty ideals, and heroes were useless. Today, China is prosperous. As long as you are talented, you don't have to worry about serving your country. Therefore, we must study hard and strive to become the pillars of the country.