Help me get a German name!

-。 -I don't know how to make funny names ... and I can't just make them up.

Then I'll help you find something better. You can choose > <

First place: Leonie or Leoni (Leoni)

Leonie or Leoni is the negative form of Leon, which is the abbreviation of Leonhard just like Leon. The prefix leo means "lion" in Latin.

second place: Hanna or Hannah

The name comes from Hebrew and means "charming", "elegant" or "loving". Johanna is sometimes abbreviated as Hanna. There is a Jewish German female philosopher named Hannah Arendt.

third place: Mia

Mia is a variant of Maria. There is a famous band in Berlin called Mia.

fourth place: Lena

Lena is the abbreviation of Magdalena, Helen or Helena. Helena means "sunny woman" in Greek, and it has two meanings in Latin, one is "a woman who is good at matchmaking" and the other is "a woman who can comfort people". The most famous historical figure by this name is the beautiful woman Helena who became the fuse of the Trojan War.

fifth place: Anna

Anna is a variant of Hannah. According to Catholicism, the mother of the Virgin Mary. Many aristocratic women in German history were named Anna, such as Anna Amalia, Duchess of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach.

Sixth place: Lea or Leah (Leia)

The name comes from the Hebrew word Le'ah, which may mean "crushed" or "exhausted" and another means "wild cow". This word is also found in ancient Assyrian, which means "mistress". Contemporary celebrities with this name include the actress Leah Remini, whose masterpiece is the TV series King of Queens.

seventh place: Emily

Emily should actually be written as Emilie, which may come from the Latin word aemulus, meaning "enemy" or "competitor". Famous people with this name are the 19th century German female composer Emily? Emilie Mayer.

Eighth place: Lara

The name Lara may be the abbreviation of Laurentia, or it may come from the Greek name Larissa, which is also the name of a city, so Larissa as a name means "the girl of Larissa city". The heroine in the Soviet contemporary novel Doctor Zhivag is called Lala.

ninth place: Emma

Emma comes from the ancient Germanic language, which means "all" or "all-round". However, the name may also come from the Hebrew word Emanuela, which means "God is with us". The most famous feminist women's magazine in Germany is called Emma.

1th place: Sara or Sarah (Sarah/Sarah)

The name can be traced back to Sarah, the wife of Abraham, the Jewish ancestor, recorded in the Old Testament. In Hebrew, this word means "madam" or "mistress". Contemporary celebrities with this name include German singer Sarah Connor and Austrian entrepreneur and TV chef Sarah Wiener who lives in Germany.

11th place: Laura

Laura is the negative form of the Latin name Laurentius, which means "winner wearing a laurel" and is used for men, so Laura stands for "winning woman". Contemporary celebrities with this name include Italian fashion designer Laura Biagio.

12th place: Lili

Lili can also be written as Lilly or Lilli, which is the abbreviation of Elisabeth. Contemporary celebrities with this name include Lilli Kerssenberg, the ex-girlfriend of tennis star Boris Becker, and so on.

13th place: Lina

The origin of this name is unknown. Many long female names ending in -lina are often abbreviated as Lina. Contemporary celebrities with this name include Swedish skier Lina Andersson and American actress Angelina Jolie.

14th place: Marie

Marie is a variant of Maria. This name is very common in Christian countries, because Mary is the physical mother of Jesus Christ. In Hebrew, Maria is transformed from Mirjam, the sister of the great prophet Moses, and she is also a prophet. Maria is sometimes used as a second name for men, such as the Austrian actress Klaus Maria Brandauer and the German comedian Marcus Maria? Markus Maria Profitlich.

15th place: Sophie or Sophie

Sophie and Sophia both mean "wisdom". American best-selling author Jostan? Jostein Gaarder named his philosophical novel Sophie's World, which is of great significance. Contemporary celebrities with this name include French actress Sophie Marceau.

16th place: Nele

Nele is the abbreviation of Cornelia (High Nailya). This word may come from the Latin word "strong". Contemporary celebrities with this name include German children's literature writer Cornelia Funke and German actor Cornelia Lobos. "Conny" is her nickname. In addition, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, the master of German classical literature, has the only sister named Cornelia Nailya.

17th place: Johanna (johanna)

Johanna (johanna) is the negative form of the Hebrew name Johannes, which means "God is kind". Historical and literary figures with this name include Joan of Arc (called Johanna Johanna von Orléans in Orlé ans in German) and the legendary empress johanna.

18th place: Sofia or Sophia (Zofia)

Sophia means "wisdom" in Greek, and stands for virtue or the wisdom of God in German culture.

19th place: Lisa

Lisa is short for Elisabeth. The origin of Elisabeth is complicated, which may come from the word "perfection" in Greek, or it can be traced back to the Hebrew word Elischeva, which means "My God is an unbreakable oath" or "My God is seven" (the number seven stands for perfection in Jewish culture). Contemporary celebrities with this name include Queen Elizabeth II and actress Liz Hurley. In addition, the mother of John the Baptist recorded in the Bible is also called Elisabet.

2th place: Maja or Maya (Maya)

Maja is a variant of the Latin word maius, meaning "higher".


Helina, Hai Lianna

Florentine Florentine


Jacqueline Xia Kelin

Lorraine Laurelle

Susanne Susanna

Christiane cristiana

and Jasmin. It means jasmine. Das Besondere am Jasminist Sein Betoerrender Duft. Die Weissen und Die Ofnicht Duften Gelben Arten Oeffnen Vom Fruhling bis in den Somer ihre Sternchenblueten.

Jasmine flowers in summer symbolize cheerfulness and vigor.

There are many things in the back. If the things above are not satisfactory, look for them below.

Anna Anna

Annette(2) Annette

Augusta(2) Augusta

Berta Beltas


Christa Christa

Christiana cristiana

Charlotte Charlotte

Carla Carla

Christine cristina

Ch. Ristel(1) Crystal

Dietlind Dietlind

Dorothea(3) Dorothea

Dort(h) E Dollt


Edith Ediet

Elisa p>Elisabeth

Elise Elize

Ellen Ellen


Em. Ma Emma



Esther estelle


Felizia(2) Felizia

Flora(1) Flora

Franziska(2) Frantsi Sika

Frieda Frida

Friedel Friedel


Gisela Ghizela

Grete Grete

Hanna Hanna

Hannelore(1) Hannenolei

Hedwig Hedewig

Heide Hyde

Helen Helen

Helen p>Helene

Helga Helga

Henriette(3) Heng Riette

Herta Herta

Hilda Hilda

Hilde Hilde

Hildegard hildegarde

Ida Ida

Ilona Ilona

Ilse Ilsa

Ina Ina

Inge ingeborg

Ingeborg(1) Ingeborg


Irena(2) irma

Jenny Yan Ni

Johanna johanna

Johanna p>Johanne

Jolanthe(2) Yolanthe

Josepha(1) Iosepha

Josephine(3) Joseffi Ni

Julia Yulia

Juliana Yuliana

Julie Julie

Jutta Yuta

Kai(m/ F) Kay

Karen Karen

Karin Karin

Karolina Karolina

Karoline Karolina

Clara Clara

Konstanze(2) Constanze

Lea Leya

Lena Lena

Leni Lenny

Lenore(2) Leonore

Leopoldine (3) Leopold

Liese Lize

Lieselotte(3) Lieselotte

Lilian Lillian

Liesebeth Lisbeth

Lil(l)i Lily

