A nice name for a golden retriever, cute and domineering

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Constellation 360 name collection, pet name collection

Pleasant female golden retriever name collection

2015/03/13 360 Constellation Network

Most urbanites today like to keep cats and dogs, and golden retrievers are the most common one. Golden Retrievers are loved by families with children because of their golden hair and friendly personality. Many families raise Golden Retrievers as siblings of their children. Since the relationship between golden retrievers and humans is so close, when we raise them, we must give them a nice pet name. Today, the editor has selected hundreds of nice names for you to choose.

1. Abigail, Abigail, Hebrew, father is very happy

2. Ada, Ada, British, happy; beautiful

3 , Adela, Edela, Germany, noble; elegant

4. Adelaide, Edelaide, Germany, noble; noble class

5. Afra, Afra Fura, Hebrew, dust

6. Agatha, Agatha, Greece, kind and beautiful

7. Agnes, Agnes, Greece, Latin, purity , elegance, chastity

8. Alberta, Alberta, England, noble and prominent

9. Alexia, Alexia, Greece, help

10. Alice, Alice, Greek, noble

11. Alma, Emma, ??Latin, British, true and kind

12. Alva, Alva, Latin, fair-skinned

13. Amanda, Amanda, Latin, worthy of love

14. Amelia, Amelia, Latin, diligent, laboring

15. Amy, Amy, France, the most beloved person, lovely

16. Anastasia, Anastasia, Greece, the one who cheers up again, resurrection

17. Andrea, Andrea, Greece, courageous, beautiful and elegant

18. Angela, Angela, France, angel; messenger, Angel

19. Ann, Anne, Hebrew, elegant, merciful God

20. Anna, Anna, Hebrew, elegant

21. Annabelle, Annabelle, Hebrew , Latin, beautiful woman; lovely; amiable

22. Antonia, Antonia, Latin, Greek, a person who is full of praise and respected

23. April, April, Latin, spring, when the earth first wakes up

24. Arlene, Elena, Celtic, oath, token

25. Astrid Cuide, Denmark, divine power; star

26, Athena, Athena, Greece, in Greek mythology, the goddess of wisdom and war, the protector of Athens

27 , Audrey, Audrey, France, a noble and prominent person

28. Aurora, Aurora, Latin, goddess of the dawn

29. Barbara, Barbara, Greece, out of town People who come, strangers; foreigners

30. Beatrice, Beatrice, Latin, a girl who prays for people or makes people happy

31. Belinda, Belinda, Germany , Italy, a wise and long-lived person

32. Bella, Bella, Latin, beautiful

33. Belle, Bella, France, beautiful; God’s oath ; Intelligent and noble

34. Bernice, Bernice, Greece, the person who comes with the message of victory

35. Bertha, Bertha, Teutonic, smart, beautiful or brilliant

36. Beryl, Beryl, Greece, emerald, luck?

37. Bess, Beth, Hebrew, God is an oath

38. Betsy, Betsy, Hebrew, God is an oath

39 , Betty, Betty, Hebrew, God is an oath

40. Beverly, Beverly, England, a creek with beavers

41. Blanche, Blanche, Teutonic , pure and innocent; Caucasian; white and beautiful

42. Bblythe, Blythe, England, carefree; happy

43. Bonnie, Bang Ni, Latin, sweet, beautiful, elegant and kind person

44. Bridget, Bridget, cover

Er or Ireland, strong, powerful

45. Camille, Camilla, Latin, a noble woman with good character

46. Candice, Candice, Latin, passionate, frank Blink?婩婉?

47. Cara, Carla, Italy, friend; dear person

48. Carol, Carol, France, singing, sweet and cheerful songs

49. Caroline, Caroline, Teutonic, brave, vigorous and strong

50. Catherine, Catherine, Greek, pure person

51. Cathy, Kath, Greece, pure person

52. Cecilia, Cecilia, Latin, dim-sighted person, blind

53. Celeste, Salister, Latin, the happiest A person from heaven

54. Charlotte, Charlotte, France, strong and feminine

55. Cherry, Qili, France, kind, as red as a cherry People

56. Cheryl, Qilier, France, cherished person

57. Chloe, Chloe, Greece, youthful, beautiful

58 , Christine, Christine, Greece, follower of Christ, disciple

59. Claire, Claire, Latin, brilliant; bright; smart

60. Clara, Clara, Latin, bright; smart

61. Constance, Constance, Latin, firm and loyal person

62. Cora, Cora, Greece, Virgin; girl

63. Coral, Carol, Greece, France, coral or gift, colored stone

64. Cornelia, Cornelia, Greece, dogwood tree


65. Crystal, Crystal, Greece, crystal ice, transparent soul, no deception

66. Cynthia, Greece, the title of the moon goddess Diana


67, Daisy, Daisy, UK, daisy