How to pronounce the word Zan, how to pronounce Zan, how to pinyin Zan, how to form words for Zan





[Interpretation]? A spoon-like jade instrument used in ancient rituals.

Word group:

pickled zan

[yān zàn]?

It is a local colloquial language, meaning unclean, dirty Dirty meaning. Used to describe the messy, foul-smelling, unclean environment, etc. The later extension can be used to describe behavior, actions, etc. that are dirty and contrary to moral conscience; it can also be used to describe feeling awkward or unhappy.

Jade Zan

[yù zàn]?

1. Gui Zan. Ancient ritual utensils. It is a gold spoon with a jade handle, used to drink fragrant wine during naked sacrifices.

Gao Zan

[gāo zàn]?

A man in the late Sui Dynasty, a contemporary of Zhuge Ang, was cruel by nature.