Hello, this is the Ranunculaceae plant Cimicifuga, the scientific name is Cimicifuga dahurica
Dioecious. The rhizome is thick and curved, with a black surface and many old stem remnants in the shape of sunken round holes. The stem is more than 1 meter high, slightly grooved, hairless or slightly hairy. The lower stem leaves are compound leaves with two or three rings; the leaves are triangular, up to 22 cm wide; the terminal leaflets are broadly rhombic, 5-10 cm long, 3.5-9 cm wide, with three deep lobes, and the base is usually slightly heart-shaped. Or round, with serrated edges, lateral leaflets oblong-ovate, slightly oblique, surface hairless, backside sparsely pubescent along the veins; petiole up to 17 cm long. The upper leaves on the stem are similar to the lower leaves, but smaller and have short stalks. The inflorescence is raceme-like. The inflorescence of the male plant is large, more than 30 cm long, with more than 7-20 branches. The inflorescence of the female plant is slightly smaller and has fewer branches; the rachis and pedicel are covered with gray glandular hairs and short hairs; the bracts are submerged. Shape, acuminate; sepals broadly elliptic to broadly obovate, 3-3.5 mm long; staminodes fork-shaped with two deep lobes, with two milky white hollow anthers at the apex; anthers about 1 mm long, filament-shaped, 4-5 mm long mm; carpels 4-7, sparsely gray pubescent or nearly glabrous, sessile or with short stalks. The follicle is born on a carpel stalk 1-2 mm long, 7-8 mm long and 4 mm wide. The top is nearly truncate and covered with appressed white pubescence; there are 3-4 seeds, oval, about 3 mm long. , brown, with membranous scales on all sides and transverse scales in the center