Your daughter's eight characters are: Geng Yin, Xin Si, Bing Zi and Wu Jia, with two gold, one water, two wood, three fire and five elements lacking soil. In April, fire broke out in C, and Lu Jian was the third. Fire is hot, so it is appropriate to use water specially to relieve the power of Wei Yan and achieve the best of both worlds. If there is no water, solitary sun, and lack of assistance, it is difficult to penetrate the clear light, and only water with roots can be obtained. Do you know Ren Geng thoroughly? The nickname is: Wang Yang Lake, which reflects sunlight widely and shines brilliantly, and is a symbol of civilization. If a person meets this requirement, he will not only be outstanding, but also be blessed. The eight-character has a branch of laurel water, which is not obvious, and the eight-character fire is prosperous. It was named and supplemented, and Geng Xin was revealed. When the five elements are short of soil, they should be supplemented by other names, such as Jiaxu and Lei Jia.
Avoid golden water, like wood fire Fate needs fire and earth to complement each other, and names can be added with fire, sun, heart, horse, light, T, earth, mountain and stone, such as spirit, beauty, jade, Qing, Ming, classics, Xin, Yi, Jun, Ning, Jia, health and mountain. Name collocation methods, such as: surname+earth+fire, surname+fire+earth, surname+fire, surname+fire+other, surname+fire, surname+earth, surname+earth, surname+earth, surname+other, surname+other+earth, these combinations are all acceptable.