Why are scandals named after the "door"? Like "Watergate" and "Telephone Gate"

The term "gate" originated from President Nixon's Watergate Incident in the early 197s.

The final result of Watergate incident was to force Nixon to step down. This is one of the most disgraceful political scandals in American history. Watergate incident is Watergate scandal in English. Shortly after Watergate, a suffix "-gate" was added to English, which was literally translated as "gate" in Chinese. It means: a big scandal like Watergate

in the future, whenever a national leader (especially for the United States) encounters a ruling crisis or a ruling scandal, the word gate is often used after the incident. In recent years, similar reports in China are often directly translated into "door". For example, Iran Gate, White House Secretarial Gate, Intelligence Gate, Translation Gate, Prison Abuse Gate and so on.

now, there is a "special gate".