1. Zhixiao
Taken from the Analects of Confucius: "When the father is alive, observe his aspirations; when the father is gone, observe his actions; if you have not changed your father's ways for three years, you can be called filial piety." "The word "Zhi" is used in the name, which means having ideals, aspirations, and ambition. The whole name means very idealistic, goal-oriented, proactive, and very filial. It means filial son, virtuous grandson, and high ambition.
2. Wenbin
Confucius said: "If quality is better than literature, you will be wild; if literature is better than quality, you will be history. If you are gentle and gentle, you will be a gentleman." "Wen" means literary talent, which has been modified; " "Binbin" means that the combination of text and quality is very appropriate. The name "Wenbin" is derived from the idiom "gentle and gentle", which often describes a person's elegance and temperament. It means that the baby boy is gentle, elegant, majestic and dignified in appearance.
3. Ye Ke
The name Ye Ke is extracted from "The Analects of Confucius": "It is not okay to live in a respectful manner and keep simplicity in order to approach the people." It is very simple but It is also a nice-sounding name, expressing the parents' wish for a simple, happy and carefree child; the word "Yi" in the name mainly emphasizes the word "KE".
4. Mercy
The name comes from "The Analects of Confucius·Bayi": "The Master said of "Shao": 'It is extremely beautiful, and it is also extremely good.' He said of "Wu": 'It's not as good as it is perfect.'" The word "beautiful" is used to describe the girl's ability to become a beautiful person in the future. "Compassion" means kindness and kindness, which means that the girl will become a kind and kind person in the future.