My son’s name is Ye Linfeng. How can I give him an English name?


(Old German) "Earth", Lance is described as the hero of romance novels - handsome, manly, rich, and a powerful playboy.


Abbreviation for LAWRENCE. Most people think LARRY is easy-going and friendly - full of laughter wherever he goes. Some people think that LARRY is a profiteer who eats people without spitting out their bones.


(Old English) A person from a ranch. The name LEE combines two images: one is a strong, muscular, confident cowboy or a quiet, conservative sophisticate.


(Latin) "Lion", the abbreviation of Leander, Leonard, and Leopold. Most people think of Leo as strong and gentle. He is described as a passionate betrayer who always appears as an artist or a defender of peace.


The source is the Latin Laurentium (Laurentius), which is changed from Laurentium (City of Honor) or (Realm of Laurel). Obviously, the root word ‘Laurel’ is very attractive. Because in ancient times, 'laurel' was used as a symbol of victory and 'honor'. Same as Lauren, Laurent, Loren, Lorin, Larry, Laurence, Lorry.


"Lukenia people" and LUCIUS LUKE are either seen as strong, sturdy, loyal, stupid, or funny, friendly, and noisy people. MARCUS is the same as MARK. MARCUS gives people the impression of a tall, strong and handsome athlete or a simple and boring businessman.