Just Cause 4 English name

The English name of Just Cause 4 is Just Cause 4.

It is the orthodox sequel to the third-person shooting game "Just Cause" series produced by Avalanche Studios.

There are many destructive weapons in "Just Cause 4", such as rocket launchers, rail guns, firearms, etc. These weapons can play a very important role in resisting the enemy. In addition, "Just Cause 4" 》There are many vehicles in it.

Notes for Just Cause 4 players.

Players should note when playing Just Cause 4 that Rico can withstand some damage from enemies during combat. But when you suffer fatal damage, the screen will shake black and white. At this time, you need to dodge the damage in time, otherwise you will die.

The function of the chaos value in the game is to upgrade the character's level. The higher the level, the more pilots can be unlocked, which means the more support can be obtained at the same time. Destroying oil tanks, radars, generators, towers, vehicles, and enemies in enemy areas will increase the chaos value.