Primary school students’ screen name about Lily (beautiful, pure), personalized signature, QQ group, the screen name is longer

Net name

"The purity of lilies"

"The sadness of lilies"

"Memories of lilies"< /p>

"The Story of Lily Flowers"

You can change these words into traditional Chinese for a better effect (it will also work when grouped in QQ)

< p> Lonely Fall | Lily of the City of Sorrow

Blooming Season_Blooming Sorrow

The flowers have fallen and the heart is as gray as death

White petals, withered

The lily blooms and extinguishes the sorrow

The lily under the shooting star

Lily is easy to wither_Infatuation is easy to break


The lilies fall §Listen to a song of mourning

Lily petals | withered in memories

The lily is there As the sun sets in the west

Group "High Spring" and wait for the lilies to bloom

"Hello Summer" and wait for the lilies to sway

"Cool Autumn" and wait for the lilies to bloom Piao Ling だ

ツ Ling Dong "Waiting for Lily's Nirvana だ

Personalized signature Cui He, Wei Wei, 岢ㄡ No one is proud of it, the pain behind the beauty...

I am a wild lily that is always open to myself. . .

The white petals are withering, but when it blooms, no one notices its tears

The beauty of the lily under the shooting star flashes by, but the flowers under the shooting star are still white As before

Such a bright moonlight, eh? Why is there a crystal lily on it? If you take a closer look, those are the tears I shed for you.

The crystal lily illuminated by the moon is no longer fragile.

Is that enough? I helped you find it bit by bit, please adopt it!