If you are curious to know more about AP, BL, CP, we have explained their meanings in our detailed article Samsung Odin tutorial. And you can learn more about Samsung pit files and the extraction method.
Back to Samsung CSC code, let's try to answer the following questions: What is Samsung CSC? What is CSC code? How do we check or find out the CSC code of Samsung Galaxy devices? Can we change CSC on Samsung devices?
CSC is the abbreviation of "consumer software customization" or "country-specific code". CSC is an important part of Samsung firmware binary file, which contains customized settings, system configuration, localization and location-specific content, such as system language, APN settings and operator brand.
In other words, Samsung may release the same mobile phone in different CSC countries or regions. For example, if you live in the United States and own a Samsung Galaxy phone, the CSC or product code of your device may be one of the following codes, depending on whether it is unlocked, open or carrier brand.
The Samsung server will check the CSC code of your Samsung device and match it with the geographical location where it is used. If both match, then send OTA updates to your device. Suppose the CSC code of your Samsung device is INS (India), and you take it to the UK or Germany and use it there, you may not receive Samsung's official software update.
Similarly, CSC of Samsung Galaxy mobile phone firmware contains the code name of the country/region manufactured for it. You can change it and tell the Samsung server that your mobile phone actually comes from different countries or regions to receive official updates. Similarly, if you update the firmware of other countries on your device, you won't get any updates unless you install the correct firmware.
For example, I used OXM CSC to refresh the firmware on my Indian Galaxy S9+ just to try Android Pie, because it is not available in India. Since OXM is a multi-CSC or Omni CSC, it provides 86 different CSC to choose from.
The idea of changing the CSC of your mobile phone appears here. Therefore, you can install firmware from a different area and change the CSC of your mobile phone with a little trick, and everything is fine.
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If you don't know the CSC or product code of your Samsung Galaxy mobile phone or tablet device, there are two ways to find it.
You can check the CSC of the Galaxy device by dialing the code on the device dialer. The password you need to dial is * # 1234#.
Once you type' #', you will see the screen shown below. The first three letters after the equipment model constitute the CSC code of the equipment (see below).
There is another simpler way to check the current CSC on your Samsung Galaxy device. Open Settings & gt About Phone & gt Software Information and scroll to the service provider software version. Label. After the device model in the first line, you will find the CSC of your device. Because I refreshed the OXM (Multi-CSC) firmware and switched to the INS (India) CSC, it showed two CSCs. In the third line, you can see the active CSC, namely INS. This just means that I will continue to get official OTA updates.
Now, let's look at the third line in the screenshot above: INS (1)/ INS, INS (2)/ INS (3).
Note: If you refresh the Multi-CSC firmware, your device will automatically switch to the country-specific code according to your network provider when it is first started.
Please note that performing CSC changes will restore your phone to factory settings. This means that it will restore your phone to the state when you bought it. All data on the internal memory will be erased. Therefore, don't forget to back up your data before continuing.
Related Articles: Changing CSC on Samsung Devices without Erasing Data
Note: CSC Changer applications used to work on older Samsung devices running TouchWiz and Samsung Experience ROMs. However, since CSC Changer has not been updated by application developers, it no longer works.
To unlock the hidden CSC function on Samsung devices, you should try the Samsung CSC Function Expert application.
Price: free of charge
Download on Google Play
If you have a root Galaxy phone or tablet, you can try the methods described below to change CSC.
If your Samsung Galaxy device is the root device and TWRP recovery is installed, you can find flashable ZIPs in different forums to change the CSC on your device.
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Here is an alphabetical list of specific country codes or CSC codes of all countries. Just scroll down to find your country and check the CSCs it mentions. If you are looking for a specific CSC, use CTRL+F and type CSC on this page.
Afghanistan = AFG
Algeria = TMC, ALG, ALR
Albania = AVF (Vodafone)
Argentina = African National Congress, ARO, CTI (Claro), UFN (Movistar), PSN (individual).
Aruba = ARU
Australia = XSA, OPP, OPS (Optus), VAU (Vodafone), TEL (Telus), HUT(Three/ Vodafone)
Austria = ATO (Open Austria) AOM, DRE (3 Hutchinson), MAX (T-Mobile), MOB (A 1), MOK, ONE (Orange), TRG (Telering).
Bahrain = ARB
Baltic sea = SEB
Belarus = VEL mountain bike
Belgium = BSE, BAE, PRO (Proximus), XEB.
Bangladesh = BNG (no brand), TML (no brand), ETR.
Bosnia and Herzegovina = ERO, BHO, BHT (Bosnia and Herzegovina Telecom), TEB
Brazil = ZTO (no brand), BTA, BTM, TMR, ZTA (Claro), ZVV (Vivo), ZTM (TIM).
Bulgaria = BGL (no brand), CMF, GBL, MTE, MTL (MTL), OMX, PLX, VVT (VVT).
Cambodia = CAM (no brand), RCG
Canada = BMC (Bell), RWC (Rogers), TLS (Thales), KDO (Kudo)
Chile = CHO (no brand), CHB, CHE (Entel PCS), CHL (Claro), CHT (Telefonica).
China = China, CMC, CUH, International, M00, TEC, TIY.
Colombia = Chief Operating Officer (no brand), CGU, Colombia, Colombia, Colombia
* * Costa Rica = * * Ice
Croatia = CRO, Tela, two, VIP (VIP-Net)
Cyprus = CYV (Vodafone)
Czech Republic = ETL (no brand), KBN, O2C, OSK, TMZ, VDC (Vodafone), XCS, XEZ.
Denmark = DTL
Dominican Republic = CDR, TDR
Dominica = CST, DCN, Dole
Ecuador = BBR
Egypt = EGY (no brand)
El Salvador = DGC, to be determined
Finland = ELS, Saudi Arabia
France = XEF (no brand), AUC, BOG, COR, DIX, FTM, NRJ, OFR, ORC, ORF, OXA*, SFR, UNI, VGF.
You must read the download PIT files of Samsung devices and extract them.
Germany = DBT (no brand), DTM (T-Mobile), DUT, EPL (E-Plus), MAN, MBC, OXA*, VD2 (Vodafone), VIA (O2), XEG.
Ghana = SPN, ACR (no brand)
Greece = Euro (no brand), AOC, COS (Cosmote), CYO, Germany, OXX*, TGR, VGR (Vodafone), ILO (HotMobile).
Guatemala = PCS
Hong kong = TGY
Hungary = XEH (no brand), Telenor, Vodafone, TMO, (T-Mobile)
India = INU (no brand), India, INA, INS (no brand), IMS, REL.
Indonesia = AXI, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, XSE
Iran = THR (no brand)
Iraq = MID (no brand)
Ireland = 3IE, VDI (Vodafone)
Israel = ILO (no brand), CEL, PCL, PTR.
Italy = ITV (no brand), GOM, Hui, (Vodafone), *, TIM, VOM, WIN, XET.
Ivory Coast = SIE National Tax Bureau
Jamaica = JBS, JCN, JCW
Japan = DCM, SBM, VFK
Jordan = Lev
Kazakhstan = East, KCL, KMB, KZK, OXE*, SKZ (no brand)
Kenya = Kenya, KEL, AFR
North Korea = SKT
Latvia = SEB (no brand)
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya = MMC
* * Lithuania = **TLT
Luxembourg * ****= LUX (no brand)
Macau = VTN
Macedonia = TMC
Malaysia = CCM, FME, FMG, MXS, OLB*, XME (no brand)
Mexico = SEM, TCE, TMM, UNE.
Mongolia = MPC
Morocco = FWD, MAT, MED, MWD (no brand), SNI, WAN.
Nepal = NPL (no brand)
Netherlands = PHN (no brand), Ben, KPN, MMO, ONL, QIC, TFT, TNL, VDF (Vodafone), VDP, XEN.
New Zealand = VNZ
Nigeria = ECT (no brand), GCR, MML
Nordic countries = NEE (no brand)
Norway = 10
Pakistan = PAK (no brand), WDC
Panama = TPA (no brand), BPC, PCW, PBS.
Peru = PEB, Peter, Sam
Philippines = FAM, GLB, OLB*, Malaysia, XTC (open airline), XTE.
Poland = ERA, IDE, PLS, PRT, XEO (no brand), OXA, OXX.
Portugal = OPT, OXX*, TCL (Vodafone), TMN, TPH (no brand), XEP.
Puerto Rico = CEN, PCI, TPR
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Romania = ROM (no brand), CNX (Vodafone), COA, HAT, ORO, OXX*
Russia = AZC, BLN, EMT, ERS, GEO, MTV, OXE*, SER (no brand), SNT.
Saudi Arabia = KSA (no brand), Jed
Senegal = DKR (no brand)
Serbia and Montenegro = MSR, OXX*, PMN, SMO, TOP, TSR.
Singapore = MM 1, XSP (no brand), SIN (Singtel), STH (Starhub), BGD, XSO.
Slovenia = MOT, SIM (Si.mobile)
Slovakia = ORX (no brand), GTL, IRD, ORS, OXX*, TMS.
South Africa = South Africa XFA, XFE (no brand) * *, * OXX, XFC, XFM, XFV (Vodafone)
Southeast Europe = See (no brand)
Southwest Asia = Southwest Asia
Spain = PHE (no brand), FOP, AMN (orange), ATL (Vodafone), EUS, XEC (Movistar), YOG (Yoigo).
Sri Lanka = SLK (no brand)
Switzerland = AUT (no brand), MOZ, ORG, OXX*, SUN, SWC (swisscom)
Taiwan Province = BRI (no brand), CWT, TCC, TCI, TWM.
Temporary = project
Thailand = CAT, OLB*, THE, THL (no brand), THO, THS, Laos, MYM.
Tanzania = Sol
Trinidad and Tobago = Eon (no brand), TTT (no brand)
Tunisia = TUN (no brand), ABS, RNG.
Turkey = Turkey (no brand), Bath, KVK, TLP, Republic of Turkey.
Ukraine = KVR, SEK (no brand), UMC
United Arab Emirates = ARB, ITO, MID, OXE*, XSG (no brand)
United Kingdom = BTU (no brand), EVR (EE), BTC, CPW (Carphone Warehouse), H3G, O2I, O2U (O2), ORA (Orange), OXA*, TMU (T-Mobile), TSC, VIR, VOD (Vodafone), XEU (. Three)
* * USA = **ACG (Nextech/C), ATT(AT & amp; T), BST, CCT (Comcast), GCF, LRA (Bluegrass Honeycomb), SPR (Sprint), TFN (Tracfone), TMB (T-Mobile), USC (American Cellular), VMU (Virgin Mobile America), VZW (Verizon Wireless), XAA (Xaa).
Uzbekistan = CAC (no brand), UZB
Venezuela = VMT (movie star), DGT, MVL
Vietnam = DNA, FPT, OLB*, PHU, SPT, TLC, VTC, VTL, XEV, XXV (no brand)
* * * * Multi-CSC ("O" means open) in some countries and regions * * *
If you find any Samsung CSC codes missing from our list, please let us know!
Read next: download Samsung firmware using Frija firmware download tool.
(This article was first published in 20 121February 27th. We just updated more relevant information and new screenshots. )